
Utilitas acquires Tallinna Küte and Eraküte from Dalkia

OÜ Utilitas (formerly Elekter ja Küte) acquired AS Tallinna Küte and AS Eraküte from international energy group Dalkia. The Estonian energy holding company Utilitas already owns and operates 
OÜ Tallinna Elektrijaam, acquired from Dalkia in 2011. The transaction closed on November 28, 2012.

AS Tallinna Küte and AS Eraküte are leading Estonian central heating and energy companies. Tallinna Küte supplies approximately two thirds of Tallinn’s central heating and it manages the city's 415 km central heating network, three big boiler houses and 24 small boiler houses. AS Eraküte provides heating in eight Estonian cities and towns.

Dalkia is among the leading global energy service providers with operations in 35 countries, managing close to 133,000 facilities worldwide.

Superia acted as the sole financial advisor to OÜ Utilitas in the transaction. 

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